"Google Sites makes creating and sharing a website easy. It is powerful enough for a company intranet, yet simple enough for a family website." Google, 2009

Quick Info

This site acts as an unofficial archive of random Google Sites created with the older, "Classic" layout.

All content provided on this archive site and its contents may be edited solely for copyright or functional purposes. Changes made to archived Sites for these reasons will be noted. Music provided generously by the wonderful people at scmplayer.net.

Whoops. Site not found!

It's not easy running a website archive! Things don't go according to plan, and sometimes that's okay.

Reasons why you may have ended up here...

  • The requested page has a new URL
  • The requested page has not yet been created
  • The URL for the requested page was misspelled
  • You arrived here by choice
  • Or... gulp the Google Site was deleted